Read to learn more about these powerful online services to heal and access the best you!

affordable online hypnosis sessionsHealing Hypnosis

Understanding that change/healing takes time, I customize each one-hour hypnosis session to target a specific area of focus.  We will explore your goals and work to resolve blocks and barriers to reaching your greatest potential.  In a traditional one-hour hypnotherapy session, I’ll guide you through a progressive relaxation.  The images are always catered towards your goals. We will debrief at the end to discuss the session and action plan. I offer customized hypnotherapy programs for a variety of situations. To find out more about online hypnosis with frequently asked questions, click here.

affordable hypnotherapy sessionsPast Life Regression

In your unconscious mind, are memories of your previous lives. Past life regression is a method used in hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. A Past-Life Regression session can help bring healing, clarity, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose to life. This powerful regression technique helps those who are seeking to answer life’s deepest questions.  Moreover, you will understand karmic patterns from past lives carried forward.  In addition, you will release phantom pain and anxieties and achieve a greater knowing for your purpose.  Each session is about 2 hours and is customized to meet your goal for the session.

affordable hypnotherapyLife Between Lives (Spiritual Regression)

This is one of my most favorite and powerful healing services that I offer.  This is a powerful three-to-four-hour session recalling life-between lives in an inter-life exploration.  I use specific regression methodologies originated by Joel Whitton and Joe Fischer, and Dr. Michael Newton. These methodologies were further developed by Allen Chips, Marjorie Reynolds, and Madonna Kettler.

A Life Between Lives session can help bring healing, clarity, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose to life.  Moreover, this powerful spiritual regression technique can help those who are seeking to answer life’s deepest questions.  In fact, this type of session can be of enormous benefit to anyone interested in life after death.  To explain, in this “between life” spirit world, are memories of your life – as a soul, between incarnations, with soul friends and family, and planning your lives on earth.

Furthermore, whatever questions you want answered about life, this is the place and time to ask.  In fact, after one session, you will understand the profound experience of recalling the spirit world and the miraculous impact it can have on your current life.

online coachingCollaborative Coaching

Dive deep with a powerful discussion centered around you.  Firstly, with a live online coaching session, we will explore your goals in depth.  Secondly, we will work on overcoming obstacles to reaching those goals.  Throughout the coaching session, I will ask thought provoking questions to understand your goals, values, fears, obstacles, and resources to name a few. Additionally, I may introduce powerful tools to assist you in aligning your goals and values.   I will also coach you through a plan to overcome obstacles to make your dreams come alive. I customize coaching programs for a variety of situations much like hypnotherapy.

online guided imageryGuided Imagery

With a guided imagery session, experience a small piece of relaxation or go to sleep in complete peace and harmony.  In saying that, these short 15-minute guided sessions can be conducted over Zoom or the phone where ever you are.  Whether you want to kick-start your day on the right foot, take in a mid-day break, or relax and unwind at the end of the day, these short guided sessions are just what the doctor ordered!  These short sessions are aimed specifically at reducing pain, nausea, or stress; speeding recovery after surgery, radiation/chemo, or injury; improving sleep and more!

Additional Information: Typical coaching and hypnotherapy programs run from three to six sessions; however, length of programs will always vary by client.  Sessions may be set up weekly, biweekly, triweekly, once a month, or as needed.

For discounted package pricing of these powerful online healing services, please visit the Prices page.  Additionally, click each one of the services for additional information and to purchase.

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